As we approach the end of February 2020, we thought you’d like to know what your Forum has been working on over the last two months. In January we hosted a meeting to explain the Local Plan consultation on the additional housing numbers. Calderdale’s consultation concluded on Monday 24 February and we await details of the next stages – we understand the next stage will be announced within the next six/eight weeks.

Your Forum continues to work on our neighbourhood plan, we received offers of help with reviewing the documents (for which we’re grateful), we are also working on grant applications and other fund raising towards the next stages.

We have further work to conclude on our draft neighbourhood plan before this can be sent to Calderdale Council for their initial assessment, this is a priority for us and we’re working as fast as we can to get this work completed.

In addition, we will need to raise funds to be able to continue our work at the next phase of the Local Plan public inspection. 

The Forum submitted a response to Calderdale’s recent consultation and we will provide links on our website once published.