Local Plan examination.

Our responses

It is through donations to the Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum that we are able to engage professional consultants, helping us to formulate responses to Calderdale’s Local Plan, and shape the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Forum supports  appropriate, sustainable and deliverable development. As you can see from our response, we believe the wrong type of development is proposed for the Clifton Business Park – read our submissions to find our more.


We submitted written responses to the matters raised by the Inspector. Our responses include an assessment of earlier evidence presented by Calderdale

Next actions

We continue to fundraise to pay for the consultants, and our legal team, to represent the Forum.

Support us

If you have already donated, thank you – you can see how we have spent donations below. If you have yet to donate, we’d be grateful for any amount you can spare

Letter to Planning Inspector 24 May 2021

Clifton (24 May 2021);  the Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum (CVNF) today instructed solicitors to write formally to the Planning Inspector detailing the long-standing concerns with Calderdale’s draft local plan, transport and infrastructure evidence, concerns with air quality and post-hearing revisions to a consultation document

The letter urges the Inspector to recommend Calderdale Council withdraws the current plan. 

To support the information in the letter, a recent independent review of Calderdale’s Air Quality Assessment was also undertaken.

We need you

We rely on donations to fund our work developing a sustainable, deliverable and appropriate plan for Clifton.

Any donation will help us preserve the village style and character, whilst supporting the right type of development, please donate now!